Why This Worship Planner?

Our Mission

To create a program that serves the needs of the song leading or worship planning community. Reduce the amount of time needed to put a worship plan together.  A worship plan is developed and a supporting PowerPoint show may be built with appropriate song headings and end flags to improve the worship experience.

Why This Product?

Upon receiving my copy of The Paperless Hymnal®***, I found that putting songs together each Sunday or Wednesday was a time consuming task, especially when other visuals are needed for each song such as Song Number, Key, Starting Note, End Flags with Up Next information.  Also, it was difficult to easily track how often a song was being used in worship.  It was then that this project began in 2018.

The Song Solution Worship Planner is developed and distributed by Projected Songs.  This worship and planning tool enables song leaders to quickly choose acts of worship and insert  song slides into a worship order. It will produce the slide show via an automation protocol which adds song numbers, song key, Do-Mi-So and end of song shapes.  The program will track song usage to allow reports to be run on individual users and for CCLi use.

***This is not a product of The Paperless Hymnal® and has not received endorsement with said company.